alternative health marketing information
alternative health marketing


Get more clients for your alternative health practice

alternative health marketing informationThese marketing techniques will increase your business whether you are a personal trainer, massage therapist, yoga instructor, chiropractor, hypnotherapist, acupuncturist, or work in another alternative health profession.

If you are starting a new business or trying to increase your existing business, these tips will help you.

Schedule a networking meeting with another alternative health professional once a week.

Networking with other alternative healthcare professionals is a great way to get more business. A good way to start is to approach other professionals that you have gone to in the past that you have liked, or get a recommendation from other people you know. You also can get names from the internet or telephone directory; however, it is easier to approach people when you can say, I know so and so and they suggested that I call you.

You can meet with them for coffee or lunch, and let them know what a good referral is for you, and give them as many details about your business as you can. The best way to get other health care professionals to refer business to you is for you to refer business to them. If you are trying to network with an acupuncturist who specializes in allergies, and one of your clients mentions to you that they are having a problem with allergies, give them the acupuncturist's card and suggest that they call.

You should make sure that you get a treatment from anyone that you want to network with before you send one of your clients to them. It is a lot easier for people to refer to you and for you to refer to them if you have actually had the service yourself, and if by chance, they do not do a good job, you don't want your client to be upset with you for referring them.

Practice creative visualization twice a day

Creative visualization is the process of using your imagination to create what you want to achieve in your life. By imagining what you want, you can actually draw things to you.

Some things that I often visualize are that whenever I check my voice mail and email, they are both filled with messages from clients who want to book appointments, and whenever I check mail box, it is filled with checks.

Imagine your schedule being totally full, having plenty of money in the bank, having zero balances on your credit cards, having a new, perfect office, or getting thank you notes in the mail from clients who are really happy with your work. Whatever it is for you that you want, imagine it.

Creative visualization is more powerful when it is done in a meditative state. The best times to do it are when you wake up, before you go to bed or after doing yoga, as you are more relaxed at these times and it is easier to go deep.

Watch “The Secret” once a week

The Secret ”,, is a phenomenal film that goes into great detail about the power of our thoughts, and is full of inspirational stories of how people used the power of their minds to achieve great things in their lives and overcome extreme obstacles and hardship. Watching this movie once a week can really help you achieve success in your business and accomplish all of your goals. This movie makes you feel like there is nothing you cannot do. I know several people who were having a difficult time achieving certain business goals. What they did was watch “The Secret” every day for a week and it helped them move beyond the blocks they were having.

Create an email signature file

This a signature that you can set up to go at the end of every email message you send. This should include your name, title, address, phone number and your website address if you have one. You basically are advertising your business every time you send an email. If you have a slogan or tag line for your business, this can be included, as well as any special offers or that you have gift certificates available. This is easily set up through your email program. a sample signature file that is effective is as follows:

Jane Smith Pilates Instructor

“Get a brand new body in 15 sessions or less.”
Refer a friend and get ½ off your next session

Get t-shirts made up with your logo.

Another great way to do marketing is to get shirts made up with your logo, business name, phone number, and website address. This is great because if you wear these at the yoga studio, health food store, or supermarket, for example, people will ask you about your services, and many will schedule appointments. You can get the supplies to make these at an office supply store also.

For more marketing strategies, check out my marketing course, “Marketing Secrets for Alternative Health Professionals”.



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